Corporate Privacy Preserving Data Analysis für Unternehmen

01.09.2013 - 31.08.2015


In an environment of globalization, facing competition of emerging economies and low-wage countries, businesses are increasingly pressured to deliver cost-efficiently. In order to enhance efficiency, these businesses primarily focus on two approaches: On the one hand, the utilization of modern information and communication technologies (ICT); on the other hand, the aggregation of businesses to inter-organizational networks. However, combining both approaches, i.e., implementing cross-company ICT, is being conducted only to a very limited extent. In particular in the domain of vertical business integration, vast potentials for cost and process optimization exist. First successful implementations of this process optimization have been carried out in the cross-company application of RFID-technology. Labeling of components or final products in a supply chain enables end-to-end tracking and thus supports efforts of cross-company optimization of processes in business networks. Within the scope of this project, we particularly concentrate on possibilities and potentials of cooperative cross-company privacy preserving data analysis based any data resources of the participating companies, not only RFID data. While the analysis of huge amounts of data from different sources causes in general problems which have to be treated with specific methods and approaches under the headlines big data and big analytics, the focus of the CoPPDA project are mainly the privacy concerns in this context.




Corporate Privacy Preserving Data Analysis für Unternehmen

01.09.2013 - 31.08.2015


In an environment of globalization, facing competition of emerging economies and low-wage countries, businesses are increasingly pressured to deliver cost-efficiently. In order to enhance efficiency, these businesses primarily focus on two approaches: On the one hand, the utilization of modern information and communication technologies (ICT); on the other hand, the aggregation of businesses to inter-organizational networks. However, combining both approaches, i.e., implementing cross-company ICT, is being conducted only to a very limited extent. In particular in the domain of vertical business integration, vast potentials for cost and process optimization exist. First successful implementations of this process optimization have been carried out in the cross-company application of RFID-technology. Labeling of components or final products in a supply chain enables end-to-end tracking and thus supports efforts of cross-company optimization of processes in business networks. Within the scope of this project, we particularly concentrate on possibilities and potentials of cooperative cross-company privacy preserving data analysis based any data resources of the participating companies, not only RFID data. While the analysis of huge amounts of data from different sources causes in general problems which have to be treated with specific methods and approaches under the headlines big data and big analytics, the focus of the CoPPDA project are mainly the privacy concerns in this context.


