Traveling by train
Check out for getting a connection from Dresden, Berlin or every other larger city.
If you arrive at the Central main station in Görlitz, leave it to the main entrance (not the south entrance / 'Südausgang') and you will have 3 options to go to our offices at Obermarkt 17 directly in front of you:
- go by taxi (right hand side)
- go by tram (right hand side)
- tram 2 or 3, direction: 'Königshufen'
- leaving at station 'Demianiplatz' (3rd stop) or station 'Jägerkaserne' (4th stop)
- from both stations you walk 2-3 minutes
- go by foot (around 15 minutes)
- go down Berliner Straße, directly in front of the main entrance, following the tram rails until the end, passing the Postplatz, the Demianiplatz, the Marienplatz and follow Steinstraße to arrive shortly after on the Obermarkt.
See here the route from the Central main station to Obermarkt 17: